
Friday, July 08, 2005

Frida Kahlo at the Tate Modern

Given classes were cancelled until Monday, we decided to take full advantage of our extra day in light of the terrible events of yesterday. We walk down Farrington Road and crossed to the Tate Modern museum to view the special exhibition of Frida Kahlo. In 2002, I had the opportunity to see the movie Frida, starring Salma Hayek. This movie outlined the major events of this incredible woman's life as well as some of her inspiration for her works. She has the incredible ability to show her feelings and unhappiness through painting.

We took the opportunity to visit the rest of the museum after seeing Frida and saw works by Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Monet and many contemporary artists. I was impressed by the building, the layout and its wonderful location. A truly enriching experience! Best of all, the Tate is free (except for special exhibitions!).

But all fun and no work doesn't help me get my grade. I'll study for the next few hours and try to catch up on my reading. The terrible events of yesterday seem a world away as London has once again returned to normal (although the scene of police officers walking about has intensified).


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