
Friday, February 17, 2006

Jess gets an MRI exam

After a week of anticipation from Jess's last gynaecologist appointment showing that the teratoma was not in her pelvic cavity but in another cavity in her stomach (although we are still unsure), it was confirmed that she would need an MRI exam before an operation could be scheduled. This dampened our spirits due to the sheer length of time it usually takes to get an MRI exam in Canada (as long as 6 months for minor surgeries and sometimes as long as 1 month for life-threatening illnesses such as cancer).

Well, after ranting and raving against Canada's medical system and complaining on how long it takes to get an MRI exam in Canada to my international student colleagues, Jess, again, was lucky and jumped the queue to get an MRI exam for next Wednesday. I sincerely hope they can now pinpoint the teratoma allowing her to promptly schedule a surgery time in order to remove the teratoma from her body.


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