
Monday, February 27, 2006

The family cometh

Yes, my family is arriving well in a few hours. First, my sister is arriving at 11:00 PM (in less than two hours) and then my mom, aunt and godchild (cousin) will be arriving at 8:00 AM on Friday, March 3rd. It's gonna be fun!

But before they arrive, I thought it would be fitting to give them a heads up on some ground rules to visiting, living or passing through London (this goes for the rest of you hooligans!)

1) Always, always stand on the right side of the escalator on the tube on pain of death (I'm not kidding... me or one of the millions of London will kill you... I once saw a guy literally push the guy out of his way... this is very serious stuff!). For a full list of Tube Etiquette.
2) Driving on the left side of the road but there are one-way streets everywhere... Best to follow the instructions on the ground (they paint handy instructions like LOOK LEFT or LOOK RIGHT on the street to help stupid pedestrians like me not get squashed like a bug. They now have really cool ads of people getting run over on the street because they don't look before crossing. This one ad is really disturbing because IT ACTUALLY happened. These teenagers were joking around on the street with one filming the scene from their mobile phone when one of their friends was run over... I can't watch this but maybe you can: click on link to see)
3) Londoners know this: Recycling is for dweebs and throwing garbage on the ground is cool
4) Binge Drinking is okay and fighting is encouraged
5) Knocking into people is the best way to get from Point A to Point B
6) Best to figure out your route before you get to the tube. I really like the new art piece in front of the tube map... very telling (see bottom of article for a picture of it!)
7) Important to bring wads of cash when visiting London. It is rated as the most expensive city in the world to live in by the worlds city mayors.
8) However, on the flip side, there are plenty of free things to do while in London.
9) Make sure to takes lots of pictures while you are in London. If you forget your camera, you can always download them from google images.
10) Don't forget your rainjacket or umbrella as London gets a fair bit of rain ( per year) but not as much as Vancouver! ( per year) or even Halifax (per year).

I'm sure I'll come up with more great things about London.



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