
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Brighton, UK

I am trying not to yawn too hard. After 2 nights of clubbing in Brighton, UK, it is hard to stay up and work on my case to hand in next week. I also have to prepare for two interviews for my research paper this week but I will wait till tomorrow to work on this.

I had a wonderful time this weekend spending 2 days in the beautiful sea-side town of Brighton, about 150 km from London. It was cold on Saturday but warmed up nicely on Sunday. Both days were very sunny. We had some sessions in the morning to get us "motivated" and "career oriented". Needless to say, the important part of the weekend was spent eating, drinking, touring and talking with fellow classmates. It was nice to finally meet so many of my fellow students and wonderful to party with them in the evening.

I really enjoyed the goal-oriented session in the morning. I especially liked the question: "Imagine you are 80 year olds and you have to tell your grandchildren what you did in your life. Name 10 things you would tell them" That got me thinking about what I wanted to do in life and about the direction and decisions I needed to take. It was not a difficult question (I could have thought about it last week) but taking the time out to think about why I am here and what I am doing here was very helpful.

The trip back was uneventful but I did get to do quite a few little things upon my return. Jess is coming back from Paris tomorrow and we are hoping to get our Egyptian Visas but her train is delayed to 11:00 AM so we may wait until later in the week to get this done.


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