
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

European Football Tryouts

There comes at time in a man's amateur soccer career that he realizes that he's out of his league... That is how I felt as I tried out for the LSE division 5, 6 and 7 teams... It was slightly embarrasing trying to mark the mostly 19-21 year olds vying for a spot on this team... I felt old and outclassed and mostly useless on the football pitch. It was an awe-inspiring event as I realized that I was in a drastic need for some conditioning (who knew walking up the multiple escalators in the tube stations wasn't enough to keep up with the lean English football player?).
To be quite honest, the time required to be on these teams is, well, short of amazing. There are 2 games a week and all games are held on LSE sports fields, which are conveniently located in zone 6 in berrylands... about 15 minutes walk from the train station. So, make sure you mark your calendar for a one-hour and 20 minute ride to and fro the football field. Given games last about 2 hours, bank on wasting about 9 hours a week on football... Although, I love football, I don't have the patience... Imagine if I ran 9 hours a week? I would be a marathan runner! Not that I will replace the football with running but I'm just saying...

Back at my new apartment (I can use that term for at least a few more days). I went shopping at Asda last night (the UK equivalent of Walmart with the additional benefit of fresh food). Although it was a hardship to get to the store (took 2 separate buses to get there), it was well worth it (in terms of savings) and I was able to buy some good food for my supper this evening (mom, you would be proud... steak sauteed in garlic, onions and mushrooms, with carrots, green beans... with a glass of wine, naturally, thanks to Norm's stash he provided me before his return to Ottawa).

This morning's class was, well, interesting... Our accounting professor started his course with an interpretation of Macbeth... Then, he went on to sing his favorite poem... Unfortunately, this was the introduction as he went straight into accounting principles shortly thereafter (but he's getting good marks for his entertaining start to the class)... After an hour of accounting principles, the professor went to his second most favourite subject: physiotherapy (he is doing a course right now towards becoming a physiotherapy). He explained why the bicep is, well, called the bicep (there are two muscles there... we even did an exercise examining our biceps). Finally, he finished the class by sending us in groups to complete an analysis on 2 companies accounts. Our group choose the forestry sector.

Mysteriously, our afternoon session was cancelled because the professor was sick? I should mention that the course leader showed up during some of the teaching time... Perhaps, the course leader doesn't like Macbeth or physiotherapy as much as the students do?


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